Retails Shop
Eco-Luminance Oasis

Retails Shop for Verde Light

Verde Light: Where light meets nature. Step into Verde Light's visionary showroom, a harmonious fusion of biophilic design and industrial chic. Natural light dances with greenery, creating an immersive experience. Seamlessly transitioning from exterior to interior, the space, beckons you to explore. Beyond a showroom, it's a versatile hub for relaxation, events, and art. Nestled in an industrial landscape, Verde Light's oasis stands as a testament to sustainability. Illuminate your space with purpose, Verde Light, where every light tells a story.

Rix Yap 2024 Professional Silver Press Kit № 155982

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Eco Luminance Oasis by Rix Yap
Eco Luminance Oasis by Rix Yap

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Retails Shop by Rix Yap
Retails Shop by Rix Yap

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The 1800-pixel image is crafted for flexibility in print sizes—crisp and detailed at up to 6 inches with 300 DPI, and maintains its clarity at up to 12 inches when set to 150 DPI. Accredited press members can download high-res images free of watermarks. Alternatively, low-res images are instantly available. For attribution details, see the Image Credits Section.

Rix Yap Eco Luminance Oasis
Rix Yap Eco Luminance Oasis

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Leverage the high resolution of this 1800-pixel image for detailed, vibrant prints. At 300 DPI, it's ideal for up to 6 inches; at 150 DPI, it scales beautifully to 12 inches. High-res, no watermark images await those with press accreditation. For instant access, download a low-res version. Image Credits Section holds all necessary photo accreditation details.

Rix Yap Retails Shop
Rix Yap Retails Shop

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This 1800-pixel image adapts to your print needs: sharp and detailed at 6 inches with 300 DPI, it transitions smoothly to 12 inches at 150 DPI, preserving visual quality. Download watermark-free, high-res images with your press credentials, or opt for an immediate low-res download. Details on photo contributions are located in the Image Credits Section.

Rix Yap Designer Portrait Photo
Rix Yap Designer Portrait Photo

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This 1800-pixel image adapts to your print needs: sharp and detailed at 6 inches with 300 DPI, it transitions smoothly to 12 inches at 150 DPI, preserving visual quality. With press accreditation, enjoy watermark-free, high-res downloads. Low-res images are available immediately for all. Image Credits Section holds all necessary photo accreditation details.

Verde LightBrand Logo
Verde LightBrand Logo

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The 1800-pixel image is crafted for flexibility in print sizes—crisp and detailed at up to 6 inches with 300 DPI, and maintains its clarity at up to 12 inches when set to 150 DPI. Press accreditation unlocks high-res images without watermarks. Need something now? Download a low-res image instantly. Acknowledgements for photographs are in the Image Credits Section.

Unique Properties

Verde Light’s company vision is going beyond mere illumination. In their pursuit of exceptional lighting, they embrace both light and shadow, to enhance every texture, color, and form for the pleasure of their clientele. With a strong commitment to sustainability, Verde Light explores veneer lighting that incorporates nature driven materials and premium LED components, aiming to extend the lifespan of light fixtures and minimize electronic waste. Design Issue: Despite being a trendy lighting brand with a compelling vision, Verde Light lacks a distinctive spatial identity that resonates with a broader audience. Design Concept: The primary goal of the design concept is to establish a unique spatial identity that enhances Verde Light's brand equity. Design Strategy: 1. Biophilic Design: Verde Light's founders envisioned their new showroom as a fusion of biophilic and light industrial aesthetics. Consequently, the design incorporates green elements and natural lighting to brighten the interior environment. A central large potted plant serves as a tribute to mother earth and her positive influences. The sound of rain falling on red brick paving stones, which then collects in a specially designed water pond in the yard, further reinforces the integration of nature within the space. 2. Blending exterior and interior spaces: A significant emphasis has been placed on creating a facade that seamlessly connects outdoor and indoor spaces. Large open window panes allow natural sunlight to flood the interior, while carefully placed bamboo plants on the sidewalks blend with the interior decor. Strategically positioned outdoor furniture visually extends into the interior space, creating a harmonious transition. 3. Spatial Experience: The new showroom is designed to transcend its role as a retail store. Beyond showcasing products as the main highlight, the space offers various areas for customers to experience how lighting can transform spatial perceptions through different illumination strategies. The overall ambiance is crafted to project the image of a cozy, inviting home, enhancing the retail experience. 4. Multi-functionality: In addition to serving as a lighting showroom and office space, this versatile environment can also function as a relaxation hub, host events, and serve as a pop-up art gallery. This adaptability is facilitated by mobile furniture and a clean backdrop suitable for projections. 5. Site adaptation: Situated within an industrial estate, the showroom stands out as an oasis amidst a concrete jungle. The architectural facade is adorned with green and natural elements, making the building a visual standout and reinforcing Verde Light's commitment to nature and sustainability. This comprehensive design strategy aims to not only address the spatial identity issue but also create an engaging, multifunctional, and environmentally conscious space that aligns seamlessly with Verde Light's core values and aspirations.


Sustainable, unique, timeless

Production Technology

Red bricks as pavers for outdoor walkway: Red bricks are a durable and classic choice for outdoor walkways. Ensure proper installation for stability and longevity. Consider incorporating patterns or designs for visual interest. Natural wood as window frame with dark lacquer: Natural wood adds warmth and a connection to nature. Dark lacquer provides a modern and sophisticated finish. Regular maintenance is important to protect the wood from weathering. Cement Screeding floor finishing: Cement screed provides a smooth and contemporary flooring option. It's versatile and can be used in various design styles. Consider using rugs or carpets for added comfort in certain areas. Planter boxes and indoor design elements: Planter boxes can introduce greenery, improving indoor air quality. Choose plants that thrive in indoor conditions and complement the overall design. Consider incorporating natural materials like stone or wood for indoor design elements. Ventilation Blocks as Feature Wall: Ventilation blocks allow for air circulation while adding a unique design element. They can be strategically placed for both form and function. Consider incorporating integrated lighting for dramatic effects. When working with natural materials, it's essential to consider their maintenance requirements, lifespan, and compatibility with the overall design concept. Additionally, integrating sustainable practices in sourcing and construction processes can enhance the eco-friendly aspects of your project. It's recommended to work closely with architects, designers, and contractors to ensure the proper selection and installation of these materials for a successful and sustainable design outcome. Smart Lighting Control: Use smart lighting systems that allow control through mobile apps. This enables users to adjust lighting levels, colors, and ambiance remotely. Consider integrating voice control systems like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant for hands-free operation. Color Temperature Control: Smart lighting systems often offer a range of color temperatures, allowing you to adjust the warmth or coolness of the light based on the time of day or desired mood. Consider incorporating tunable white lights for spaces where adjustable color temperature is important. Energy Efficiency: Smart lighting technology often includes energy-efficient features, such as dimming capabilities and motion sensors that can automatically turn lights off when not needed. This can contribute to energy savings and sustainability. Automation and Scheduling: Create lighting schedules for different times of the day or activities. For example, you can set the lights to simulate sunrise in the morning or create a cozy ambiance in the evening. Automation can enhance security by simulating presence when you're away. Integration with Other Smart Home Devices: Ensure compatibility with other smart home devices, creating a seamless and integrated experience. For example, lights can be synchronized with smart thermostats or security systems. Explore options for compatibility with popular smart home platforms like Apple HomeKit, Google Home, or Amazon Echo. User-Friendly Interfaces: Choose smart lighting systems with user-friendly interfaces to make it accessible for all users. Consider the ease of setup and customization to tailor the lighting experience to individual preferences. Upgradability and Future Compatibility: Select smart lighting solutions that allow for future upgrades or expansion. This ensures that your system can adapt to evolving technologies and user needs. Integrating smart lighting into your design not only adds a layer of convenience but also aligns with the contemporary and sustainable aspects of your project. It's essential to collaborate with technology experts during the planning and implementation phases to ensure a seamless integration of smart lighting systems into your overall design.

Design Challenge

To full fill client budget and their expectation. To design and change the structural within the singapore building code. Try to reuse all the old elements but expose to be feature or hide it to be part of the new wall.

Project Duration

Design stage : 1 month Construction stage : 5 months Singapore

Operation Flow

Choose Low-Maintenance Plants: Choosing for plants that are well-suited to the local climate and require minimal care. Consider drought-resistant plants for outdoor spaces to reduce water consumption. Implement Drip Irrigation: Install drip irrigation systems for outdoor plants to optimize water usage and minimize waste. Use rain sensors to avoid unnecessary watering during rainy periods. Select Native Plants: Choose native plants for outdoor landscaping as they are adapted to the local environment and require less maintenance. Mulching: Apply mulch around outdoor plants to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Regular Pruning: Schedule regular pruning to maintain plant health, encourage new growth, and shape plants for aesthetic purposes. Composting: Set up a composting system to recycle organic waste, creating nutrient-rich compost for the plants. Natural Pest Control: Use natural and organic pest control methods to minimize the impact on the environment. Introduce beneficial insects that can control pest populations LED Lighting: Choose energy-efficient LED lights for both indoor and outdoor spaces. LED lights consume less energy and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional lighting options. Automated Lighting Controls: Implement automated lighting controls to optimize energy usage. Use sensors to adjust lighting levels based on occupancy and natural light availability. Regular System Updates: Keep smart lighting systems and software up-to-date to ensure optimal performance and take advantage of the latest energy-saving features.


Market Analysis: Research the current trends and demands in the lighting industry in Singapore. Identify key competitors and their offerings in terms of product range, pricing, and customer service. Sustainable Lighting Solutions: Differentiate the lighting shop by focusing on sustainable and energy-efficient lighting solutions. Offer a range of LED lights, smart lighting systems, and solar-powered options to cater to environmentally conscious consumers. Customization Services: Provide customization services for lighting fixtures to meet the unique preferences and needs of customers. Offer personalized design consultations to create bespoke lighting solutions for both residential and commercial clients. Smart Home Integration: Specialize in smart lighting systems that can be seamlessly integrated into smart home setups. Provide expertise in setting up automated lighting controls, voice-activated systems, and other smart home features. Educational Workshops: Differentiate your shop by organizing workshops and seminars on lighting design, trends, and energy efficiency. Position your business as a source of knowledge and expertise in the industry.


Inspired by the idea of lights merging with greenery, we envisioned a space where the vibrant hues of nature blend effortlessly with artificial lighting. This fusion transforms the traditional boundaries, creating a dynamic environment where the artificial coexists with the lively. Our creative goal is to provide a versatile space that effortlessly accommodates multiple functions. By incorporating dual merging elements, we not only offer a visually stunning atmosphere but also ensure organizational efficiency. Comfortable artificial lighting serves as the backbone of the design, contributing to a welcoming space. "Verde Fusion" epitomizes innovation and uniqueness, offering a transformative experience where the boundaries between indoors and outdoors dissolve, creating a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Image Credits

Image #1: Photographer Lim Guan Wen, Image #2: Photographer Lim Guan Wen, Image #3: Photographer Lim Guan Wen, Image #4: Photographer Lim Guan Wen, Image #5: Photographer Lim Guan Wen Video Credit : Ng Lee Foong

Project Overview

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop has been a Silver winner in the Interior Space and Exhibition Design award category in the year 2023 organized by the prestigious A' Design Award & Competition. The Silver A' Design Award celebrates top-tier designs that embody excellence and innovation. This award acknowledges creations that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional, reflecting the designer's deep understanding and skill. Silver A' Design Award recipients are recognized for their contribution to raising industry standards and advancing the practice of design. Their work often incorporates original innovations and elicits a strong emotional response, making a notable impact on the improvement of everyday life.

Rix Yap Designer Portrait Photo Award Logo
Silver Recognition

Rix Yap was recognized with the coveted Silver A' Design Award in 2024, a testament to excellence of their work Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop.

Rix Yap Designer Portrait Photo
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