Mobile Application

Mobile Application for EasyMed

EasyMed, an AI-powered mobile application, aims to assist users in quickly and accurately identifying interactions between drugs and between drugs and food. It achieves this with a notable accuracy rate of 93% and a comprehensive database containing 200,000 drug-drug pairs and 330,000 drug-food pairs. Additionally, EasyMed offers functionalities such as drug list management and access to informative articles on polypharmacy, catering to a diverse range of user needs.

Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang 2024 Partnership Bronze Press Kit № 157152

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EasyMed by Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang
EasyMed by Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang

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Mobile Application by Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang
Mobile Application by Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang

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Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang EasyMed
Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang EasyMed

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Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang Mobile Application
Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang Mobile Application

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Maximize the potential of this 1800-pixel image: at 300 DPI, it delivers exceptional detail up to 6 inches, while at 150 DPI, it offers clarity for prints up to 12 inches. High-res images, watermark-free, are yours with press accreditation; or grab a low-res copy now, no wait required. Consult the Image Credits Section for information on photo credits.

Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang Design Team Photo
Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang Design Team Photo

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For precise, vibrant prints up to 6 inches, use this 1800-pixel image at 300 DPI. For larger visuals up to 12 inches, 150 DPI ensures the image remains clear and impactful. With press accreditation, enjoy watermark-free, high-res downloads. Low-res images are available immediately for all. Details on photo contributions are located in the Image Credits Section.

EasyMedBrand Logo
EasyMedBrand Logo

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

Leverage the high resolution of this 1800-pixel image for detailed, vibrant prints. At 300 DPI, it's ideal for up to 6 inches; at 150 DPI, it scales beautifully to 12 inches. Press accreditation unlocks high-res images without watermarks. Need something now? Download a low-res image instantly. For attribution details, see the Image Credits Section.

Unique Properties

EasyMed is an AI-powered mobile application, primarily aiming to empower users to swiftly and accurately identify drug-to-drug and drug-to-food interactions, mitigating potential consequences effectively, with an impressive 93% accuracy rate and a comprehensive database covering 200k drug-drug pairs and 330k drug-food pairs. To cater to a broader range of use cases, we also added additional functionalities such as drug list management and access to informative articles about polypharmacy.


healthcare, artificial intelligence, polypharmacy, wellness, accessible design, age-friendly design, mobile application

Production Technology

We developed DeepDDI, an AI computational framework using drug-drug and drug-food pairs' compound structural information as inputs to generate drug-drug interaction (DDI) and drug-food interaction (DFI) types as human-readable sentences. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, we also offer users accessible features including drug and food recognition, text-to-speech functionalities, and clear explanations for complex medical terminology.

Design Challenge

Designing AI products is challenging but rewarding. It differs from traditional product design, requiring consideration of technology feasibility and principles like the Responsible AI framework for reliability, transparency, and inclusivity. Designing for accessibility is another challenge. It allowed us to empathize with the problems older adults face with technology. This experience has inspired us to explore designing for other groups that require special attention in the future.

Project Duration

The project started in January 2023 and finished in November 2023

Operation Flow

The app offers five main features: (1) All-in-one Homepage: Easily check interactions, access daily articles on polypharmacy, and get personalized pill reminders from EasyMed's homepage. (2) Drug Interaction Checker: Effortlessly search or scan a drug to check interactions, stay updated on side effects, and add to your list for future reference. (3) Food Interaction Checker: Snap a photo of food items or product barcodes for a thorough analysis, receiving alerts for potential adverse interactions with your medications. (4) My Drug List & Reminders: Maintain a detailed drug list and receive customized reminders for timely and accurate dosing. (5) Explore: Access personalized articles on polypharmacy, filter articles by category, and enjoy interactive quizzes for enhanced learning and engagement.


To comprehend the current problem landscape, we extensively conducted secondary research, reviewing over 50 papers and statistics. Gathering qualitative insights on stakeholders' perceptions of adverse drug interactions, we conducted six in-depth interviews, involving older adults, healthcare practitioners, and the general public. Subsequently, we created three personas representing different user groups. Following the design of the hi-fi prototype, we sought validation and identified relevant issues by inviting five participants to test our prototype.


Did you know nearly 500 million older adults globally face significant polypharmacy risks, with a 50% higher chance of adverse drug interactions when using five or more medications? Additionally, they encounter over two potential drug-food interactions monthly, sometimes leading to disabilities and deaths. However, clinical research for all potential drug interactions is time-consuming and resource-intensive. Moreover, overwhelmed medical professionals can't offer guidance to every patient.

Image Credits

All images and videos are created by EasyMed.

Project Overview

EasyMed Mobile Application has been a Bronze winner in the Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design award category in the year 2023 organized by the prestigious A' Design Award & Competition. The Bronze A' Design Award is given to outstanding designs that showcase a high degree of creativity and practicality. It recognizes the dedication and skill of designers who produce work that stands out for its thoughtful development and innovative use of materials and technology. These designs are acknowledged for their professional execution and potential to influence industry standards positively. Winning this award highlights the designer's ability to blend form and function effectively, offering solutions that enhance people's lives and wellbeing.

Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang Design Team Photo Award Logo
Bronze Recognition

Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang was recognized with the coveted Bronze A' Design Award in 2024, a testament to excellence of their work EasyMed Mobile Application.

Lingshuang Kong Yumei Feng Shichao Wang Design Team Photo
Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang Newsroom

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