Hydrophoni̇c Growing System
Smart Garden

Hydrophoni̇c Growing System for Rhodark

The Smart Garden revolutionizes indoor gardening by combining cutting-edge hydroponics with user-friendly technology. It's crafted for gardeners of all skill levels, effortlessly infusing the tranquility of nature into any living space. Its standout feature is the autonomous environmental control, guaranteeing the best growing conditions for diverse plant life. Equipped with intelligent sensors, the Smart Garden autonomously manages water, nutrients, and lighting, fostering a thriving ecosystem throughout the year.

Onur Yusuf Daştan 2024 Professional Iron Press Kit № 157321

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Smart Garden by Onur Yusuf Daştan
Smart Garden by Onur Yusuf Daştan

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Hydrophoni c Growing System by Onur Yusuf Daştan
Hydrophoni c Growing System by Onur Yusuf Daştan

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Onur Yusuf Daştan Smart Garden
Onur Yusuf Daştan Smart Garden

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Onur Yusuf Daştan Hydrophoni c Growing System
Onur Yusuf Daştan Hydrophoni c Growing System

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Onur Yusuf Daştan Designer Portrait Photo
Onur Yusuf Daştan Designer Portrait Photo

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RhodarkBrand Logo
RhodarkBrand Logo

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Onur Yusuf Daştan Interview

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Unique Properties

-Proprietary hydroponic technology for superior plant growth. -Sustainable materials and operations that prioritize energy conservation. -Intuitive interface welcoming both novice and expert gardeners alike. -Space-saving build ideal for urban living conditions. -Bluetooth feature for music playback, creating a soothing environment. -Wireless charging station, adding to the utility and modernity of the system.


sustainable design, hydroponic gardening, smart home technology, user experience, iterative design process, eco-friendly materials, functional aesthetics, design innovation

Production Technology

Plastic injection and thermoform used for plastic forming and Aluminum CNC bending and laser welding used for the metal case.

Design Challenge

Designing the Smart Garden was akin to navigating a labyrinth, where each decision played a pivotal yet distinct role. This journey, especially for a concept as intricate as the Smart Garden, was like conducting an orchestra to achieve harmony between form, function, and sustainability. The challenge lay in balancing aesthetic appeal with functional efficacy. The Smart Garden wasn't just envisioned as a hydroponic system but as a piece of living art, enhancing the spaces it occupies. This dual identity demanded a sophisticated design language that accommodated complex mechanisms efficiently. Striking this balance required a dance between simplicity and complexity, ensuring every design element served both aesthetic and functional purposes. Placing the user at the heart of the design process introduced intricacies. We aimed not just to create a product but to cultivate an experience that resonates personally with a diverse audience. This required empathetic design, delving into the lives and desires of potential users to translate abstract needs into tangible design elements. Incorporating sustainability presented both a challenge and an opportunity. Selecting environmentally friendly materials and processes while maintaining durability and aesthetic appeal necessitated rigorous research and creativity. It underscored our commitment to designing not just for the present but for a future harmonizing human creations with the natural world. Orchestrating these elements into a cohesive whole was perhaps the most challenging aspect. It involved finding a unified voice amid competing priorities, a voice that championed innovation, beauty, and responsibility. This cyclical process, characterized by iterative refinements, sometimes felt like steps backward but were essential for forward momentum. The realization of the Smart Garden as a tangible product was a moment of profound satisfaction, though the journey was marked by doubt and frustration. There were days when the balance we sought seemed just out of reach, and the vision appeared too ambitious. It was perseverance, fueled by a belief in our creation's value, that propelled us forward. In retrospect, the hardest part wasn't a specific technical challenge or a particular user need but the act of creation itself—the relentless pursuit of perfection, the constant balancing of ideals and practicalities, and the courage to reimagine the product's potential. The Smart Garden stands as a testament to this journey, symbolizing the achievements possible when we dare to dream, challenge, and create. Through these challenges, the essence of design was revealed not as a series of obstacles but as opportunities to innovate and truly understand what it means to introduce a new product—one that intersects art, technology, and human experience.

Project Duration

1 year Turkey

Operation Flow

Imagine a system where your plants’ needs are communicated clearly and maintenance doesn’t disrupt their growth. The Smart Garden features a water-level sensor that signals when it’s time to replenish, indicated by a distinct LED alert. When you slide the unit to the right, beneath the sturdy aluminum frame, only the water tank is detached, preserving the delicate roots of your plants. Refill or replace the tank with ease, assured that the thriving ecosystem within your Smart Garden remains untouched and intact. With intelligent automation at its core, the Smart Garden consistently monitors water levels, providing timely notifications when attention is needed. This preemptive communication ensures that the plants always have adequate hydration and that the system operates within safe parameters to protect its components. Pairing with the “SmartGarden” via Bluetooth, you can elevate your gardening sessions with your choice of music. The unit’s speakers are a conduit for your personal playlist, enriching the atmosphere as you tend to your plants. Additionally, through a user-friendly app, you can control light settings, adjusting the intensity to emulate the natural ebb and flow of daylight, creating an optimal growing environment for your indoor garden.


Design is storytelling with materials, colors, and shapes—each creation a narrative, every product a tale waiting to unfold. The genesis of a design, often as humble as a sketch, whispers the possibility of something new. These initial strokes are the first words of a story that will materialize in the physical world. The journey from concept to reality is fraught with challenges, revealing the designer's essence through a path of discovery. Each iteration brings us closer to an embodiment of purpose and beauty. In crafting the Smart Garden, understanding the dialogue between user and product became our cornerstone. It began with immersing ourselves in the lives of potential users, creating personas not as mere demographic profiles but as characters in a larger narrative of sustainability, health, and harmony with nature. These personas guided the evolution of "Smart Garden" with their experiences and feedback. Mood boards captured the essence of our vision, serving as a dynamic backdrop that evolved with our understanding. This visual language bridged the abstract and the tangible, facilitating communication with our team and the broader community. The sketching phase was an exploration, where each line and erasure offered new possibilities. The magic, however, began with prototyping. Ideas took on a physical form, with each prototype a hypothesis to be tested for functionality, ergonomics, and aesthetics. Feedback from prototypes was invaluable, helping to refine our design through a process of co-creation. This iterative cycle from sketch to prototype to feedback was crucial in forging Smart Garden. The transition to digital modeling with Alias and rendering with Maya introduced a new level of precision. Here, the design was not just visualized but experienced, allowing us to explore forms and functions previously unimaginable. Manufacturing the prototype was a convergence of art and engineering. 3D printing and aluminum bending transformed digital models into tangible artifacts. Collaboration with experts in Sweden ensured the product's intelligence matched its beauty. This journey from idea to prototype wasn't just about creating a product but about embodying a design philosophy that values empathy, sustainability, and innovation.


Smart Garden’s design philosophy is deeply intertwined with the seamless integration of technology and nature. Through our HydroHome Series, we endeavor to strike a perfect balance between cutting-edge functionality and environmental stewardship. Our mission is to revolutionize home gardening, creating a verdant sanctuary that blends the serenity of green spaces with the convenience of technology-enhanced care. We are committed to promoting a sustainable and delightful lifestyle for everyone.

Project Overview

Smart Garden Hydrophoni̇c Growing System has been a Iron winner in the Home Appliances Design award category in the year 2023 organized by the prestigious A' Design Award & Competition. The Iron A' Design Award is awarded to good designs that meet the rigorous professional and industrial standards set by the A' Design Awards. This recognition is reserved for works that demonstrate a solid understanding of design principles and show creativity within their execution. Recipients of the Iron A' Design Award are acknowledged for their practical innovations and contributions to their respective fields, providing solutions that improve quality of life and foster positive change. These designs are a testament to the skill and dedication of their creators, showcasing their ability to address real-world challenges through thoughtful design.

Image Credits

For design images and photos please credit Onur Yusuf Daştan.

Onur Yusuf Daştan Designer Portrait Photo Award Logo
Iron Recognition

Onur Yusuf Daştan was recognized with the coveted Iron A' Design Award in 2024, a testament to excellence of their work Smart Garden Hydrophoni̇c Growing System.

Onur Yusuf Daştan Designer Portrait Photo
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