35 Anos Shalon

Logotipo for Ash Midia

This exclusive celebration provides a special environment for all participants, regardless of age or background. It is more than a significant event; it is an invitation to share meaningful moments, strengthen bonds, and experience spirituality rooted in tradition but open to innovations. In a scenario where the spiritual experience intertwines with the quality of time lived, this logo represents the institution and stands out for offering not only a commemorative event but also a space for the discovery of new perspectives and the celebration of collective achievements.

Eluan Araujo 2024 Professional Bronze Press Kit № 157332

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35 Anos Shalon by Eluan Araujo
35 Anos Shalon by Eluan Araujo

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Logotipo by Eluan Araujo
Logotipo by Eluan Araujo

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Eluan Araujo 35 Anos Shalon
Eluan Araujo 35 Anos Shalon

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For precise, vibrant prints up to 6 inches, use this 1800-pixel image at 300 DPI. For larger visuals up to 12 inches, 150 DPI ensures the image remains clear and impactful. Press accreditation offers watermark-free high-res downloads. For immediate needs, low-res images are ready now. For attribution details, see the Image Credits Section.

Eluan Araujo Logotipo
Eluan Araujo Logotipo

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Leverage the high resolution of this 1800-pixel image for detailed, vibrant prints. At 300 DPI, it's ideal for up to 6 inches; at 150 DPI, it scales beautifully to 12 inches. Download watermark-free, high-res images with your press credentials, or opt for an immediate low-res download. For attribution details, see the Image Credits Section.

Ash MidiaBrand Logo
Ash MidiaBrand Logo

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

With an 1800-pixel resolution, create stunning prints up to 6 inches at 300 DPI, or expand your storytelling to 12 inches with a clear outcome at 150 DPI. Accredited press members can download high-res images free of watermarks. Alternatively, low-res images are instantly available. Image Credits Section holds all necessary photo accreditation details.

Unique Properties

The created brand adheres to basic shapes to enhance comprehension, considering that many members of the institution are elderly and may have limited education. This approach improves visibility, even from a distance, for the numeral, and upon closer observation, it contains additional information that contributes to the artwork. Embracing the concept of "design for all," it seamlessly combines the simplicity of form with the intricacy of customization. The generated symbol, characterized by a vertical cut, represents a timeline that distinguishes ancient from modern times for the institution, also symbolized by the size of the depicted numbers. This symbolically conveys the strength and growth they've experienced over the 35 years of their journey. Children, youth, and adults alike can enjoy the material that marks a new phase in the celebratory journey for the institution's 35th anniversary.


Branding, Graphic Design, Visual Identity, church

Production Technology

Many materials were used in the creation of the product, but primarily the use of a golden ratio grid was employed to aid in obtaining the shapes

Design Challenge

The crucial challenge was to infuse a modern concept into a notably traditional environment, known for its resistance to change. Balancing the historical perspective of tradition against the necessity for innovation demanded a delicate equilibrium. Additionally, social factors, such as community acceptance, posed a challenge to a project that aimed to be more modern, marking a new era for the church. They required elements like a timeline, the numerals for the 35th anniversary, and an expression of a cross to be incorporated into a single material that could articulate the institution's aspirations.

Project Duration

The institution celebrated its 35th anniversary in June 2023. Located in Paraná, Brazil.

Operation Flow

A story through time, a brand that represents everything the institution has gone through to get to this point.


A high-level celebration for the institution, a church where you can participate in this annual celebration in a grand event that was marked by its 35 years. Transforming a unique spiritual experience into a quality time. - Everyone can enjoy. - A place to experience something new and fulfilling.


The project developed for the church in celebration of its 35th anniversary reflects an approach to the fundamental values of the institution. The design of the piece is a visual representation of the brand's timeline, divided into two phases, symbolized by the numerals 3 and 5, which also represent a part of a cross, showing the spiritual journey of the institution and the fundamental principles that have guided the church to the present moment. Every detail of the design was conceived to provide a visual experience, symbolizing the simplicity and dedication that the church has provided to its faithful over the years. The tradition and modernity represented in the design signify the fusion of ancient values with contemporary demands. This project goes beyond being a commemorative piece; it is an artistic manifestation that captures the essence of the institution's foundation, offering the audience a brand that expresses their feelings and devotion, celebrating the time they have been in service. With this creation, the project brings achievements from the past, casting an optimistic gaze towards the future, where writing, design, and Christian symbolism converge in a work of art that signifies this time for the Shalon Church.

Image Credits

Eluan Araujo - Ash Midia, 2023.

Project Overview

35 Anos Shalon Logotipo has been a Bronze winner in the Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design award category in the year 2023 organized by the prestigious A' Design Award & Competition. The Bronze A' Design Award is given to outstanding designs that showcase a high degree of creativity and practicality. It recognizes the dedication and skill of designers who produce work that stands out for its thoughtful development and innovative use of materials and technology. These designs are acknowledged for their professional execution and potential to influence industry standards positively. Winning this award highlights the designer's ability to blend form and function effectively, offering solutions that enhance people's lives and wellbeing.

 Award Logo
Bronze Recognition

Eluan Araujo was recognized with the coveted Bronze A' Design Award in 2024, a testament to excellence of their work 35 Anos Shalon Logotipo.

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You are currently viewing Media Showcase № 157332. Explore Eluan Araujo's newsroom for a complete collection of their award-winning work, including high-resolution images, interviews, and much more. This is Press Kit / Media Showcase 157332 featuring the 35 Anos Shalon. For more in-depth materials, see Newsroom 340327.

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