Mobile Application

Mobile Application for More By Us

The name Bits'n'Bites suggests small snacks and friendly chats. This is a reminder of a time when face to face interactions were more common. In today's digital age, bites points to the idea of using small digital pieces for larger projects. The logo captures this blend of technology and warmth. Its is a symbol of both the joy of real life conversations over coffee and the sharing of information online. It reflects a modern yet cozy approach, where technology enhances human connection.

Maria Burgelova 2024 Agency Iron Press Kit № 160199

Download Press Kit № 160199

Download Press Kit № 160199 Mobile Application for More By Us by Maria Burgelova to access high-res images, essential texts, translations, and exclusive interviews—all in one.

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At design|newsroom, we understand the pressures and deadlines journalists face. That’s why we offer exclusive access to our curated press kits and high-resolution images, tailored for accredited journalists. These resources are designed to enrich your stories with depth and visual appeal, spotlighting the world's most innovative designs.

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  • Credit the work's creator and/or photographer.
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Get Accredited Easily: Quick access to our resources requires media accreditation. Apply for media accreditation to join our network and start exploring a wealth of design stories.

Bits  039 n  039 Bites by Maria Burgelova
Bits 039 n 039 Bites by Maria Burgelova

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

Leverage the high resolution of this 1800-pixel image for detailed, vibrant prints. At 300 DPI, it's ideal for up to 6 inches; at 150 DPI, it scales beautifully to 12 inches. High-res images, watermark-free, are yours with press accreditation; or grab a low-res copy now, no wait required. For photo credit information, refer to the Image Credits Section.

Mobile Application by Maria Burgelova
Mobile Application by Maria Burgelova

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

Leverage the high resolution of this 1800-pixel image for detailed, vibrant prints. At 300 DPI, it's ideal for up to 6 inches; at 150 DPI, it scales beautifully to 12 inches. Press accreditation offers watermark-free high-res downloads. For immediate needs, low-res images are ready now. To identify photo contributors, visit the Image Credits Section.

Maria Burgelova Bits  039 n  039 Bites
Maria Burgelova Bits 039 n 039 Bites

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

Leverage the high resolution of this 1800-pixel image for detailed, vibrant prints. At 300 DPI, it's ideal for up to 6 inches; at 150 DPI, it scales beautifully to 12 inches. Press accreditation offers watermark-free high-res downloads. For immediate needs, low-res images are ready now. Photo credits are listed in the Image Credits Section.

Maria Burgelova Mobile Application
Maria Burgelova Mobile Application

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

Harness the clarity of this 1800-pixel image for your prints—perfectly sharp at 6 inches with 300 DPI and equally clear at 12 inches when adjusted to 150 DPI. Press accreditation unlocks high-res images without watermarks. Need something now? Download a low-res image instantly. For attribution details, see the Image Credits Section.

Maria Burgelova Design Team Photo
Maria Burgelova Design Team Photo

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

Harness the clarity of this 1800-pixel image for your prints—perfectly sharp at 6 inches with 300 DPI and equally clear at 12 inches when adjusted to 150 DPI. Press accreditation unlocks high-res images without watermarks. Need something now? Download a low-res image instantly. For photo credit information, refer to the Image Credits Section.

More By UsBrand Logo
More By UsBrand Logo

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

This 1800-pixel image adapts to your print needs: sharp and detailed at 6 inches with 300 DPI, it transitions smoothly to 12 inches at 150 DPI, preserving visual quality. High-res, no watermark images await those with press accreditation. For instant access, download a low-res version. For photo credit information, refer to the Image Credits Section.

Maria Burgelova Corporate Logo
Maria Burgelova Corporate Logo

Download 1800 Pixels JPEG Image.

This 1800-pixel image offers versatility for print: achieve crisp, detailed prints up to 6 inches at 300 DPI, or opt for larger, yet still sharp visuals up to 12 inches at 150 DPI. With press accreditation, enjoy watermark-free, high-res downloads. Low-res images are available immediately for all. Acknowledgements for photographs are in the Image Credits Section.

Unique Properties

The app, initially showcased as a design agency project, now fosters authentic connections amongst business professionals, prioritising human interactions over artificial intelligence. Currently in the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development stage, it is set to launch in five months, aiming to empower users to form meaningful connections with ease.


UI design, Networking App, Digital Networking Platform, App Design, Business Professional Networking, Meaningful Connections

Production Technology

The design project is meant for hybrid mobile application both available for iOS and Android devices. The team performed research and created brand identity, user journey, wireframes and high fidelity UI design. User journey, wireframes and UI design are designed in Figma.

Design Challenge

The most challenging aspect is the imbalance between technological innovation and human-to-human interactions. Overcoming this issue necessitates addressing internal factors, such as entrenched design perspectives, and external factors, including the evolution of technology and shifting user expectations. Despite these hurdles, the continuation of the project is fuelled by a steadfast commitment to creating a platform that genuinely fosters meaningful connections in the digital era.

Project Duration

The project commenced in June 2023 in Bulgaria and is currently in progress. Being in the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) stage, its release is anticipated within the next five months.

Operation Flow

Users scan a QR code, download the Bits’n’Bites app, and create a profile. The app’s intuitive interface facilitates connecting with others, browsing profiles, following individuals from admired companies, and receiving personalised messages, updates, and meeting invitations. The design prioritises simplicity, enabling easy navigation. With a focus on genuine interactions and personalised features, the app enhances networking, fostering meaningful connections and better outcomes.


Research Objectives: To comprehend user needs within professional networking contexts. Methodology: The approach involves conducting interviews and carrying out usability testing. Tools Utilised: Engagements include personal meetings and the use of prototyping software. Participants: A broad spectrum of professionals participated in the study Results: A pronounced desire for genuine connections is identified, alongside the limitations of current platforms. Insights: These findings informed the design team, aiming for more meaningful interactions. Impact: The initiative is set to enhance the networking experience, foster collaboration, and create connections of superior quality.


Bits’n’Bites brings to mind the simplicity of enjoying snacks and engaging in meaningful conversations, reminiscent of the times when face-to-face interactions are more common. In the digital age, the concept of Bits’n’Bites transitions to the online world, where 'bites' cleverly become bytes, highlighting the use of small, digital elements in the creative processes. The logo captures this shift towards a technological focus while retaining the essence of warmth and connection found in personal interactions over coffee. It symbolizes the blend of traditional and digital, where 'bites' now represent the exchange of information online. The design of the app is inspired by the need to reflect the lively and dynamic nature of human connections. The objective is to translate the essence of spontaneous, in-person interactions into the app’s visual design. By choosing vibrant colors, dynamic imagery, and modern design elements, the aim is to not only capture the user’s attention but to also convey the spirit of lively discussions. These design choices are intended to foster a sense of community and engagement, reminiscent of the enriching experience of face-to-face meetings.

Image Credits

People on images: Generated with AI by Midjourney Mockups: Envato & Freepik Video Sound: Envato

Project Overview

Bits'n'Bites Mobile Application has been a Iron winner in the Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design award category in the year 2023 organized by the prestigious A' Design Award & Competition. The Iron A' Design Award is awarded to good designs that meet the rigorous professional and industrial standards set by the A' Design Awards. This recognition is reserved for works that demonstrate a solid understanding of design principles and show creativity within their execution. Recipients of the Iron A' Design Award are acknowledged for their practical innovations and contributions to their respective fields, providing solutions that improve quality of life and foster positive change. These designs are a testament to the skill and dedication of their creators, showcasing their ability to address real-world challenges through thoughtful design.

Maria Burgelova Design Team Photo Award Logo
Iron Recognition

Maria Burgelova was recognized with the coveted Iron A' Design Award in 2024, a testament to excellence of their work Bits'n'Bites Mobile Application.

Maria Burgelova Design Team Photo
Maria Burgelova Newsroom

Maria Burgelova Newsroom is your gateway to exploring acclaimed design and award-winning works.

You are currently viewing Media Showcase № 160199. Dive into Maria Burgelova's newsroom to find their best work, alongside a wealth of high-res images, interviews, and essential links. Welcome to Press Kit / Media Showcase 160199 on Bits'n'Bites. Discover additional content in Newsroom 353466.

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